Kingston University Biodiversity Action Group

16-02-11 : Woodland management afternoon

A small group of volunteers donned their wellies and rolled up their sleeves to do a bit of woodland management...

The main tasks were litter picking and removing tree guards that no longer served their purpose. We also freed lots of smaller trees and shrubs from the grip of ivy and bramble! Thanks to the efforts of Bruce and Derryn, we also managed to tackle two huge Rhododendron (the invasive species, ponticum) to the ground. This will really slow their spread which had been threatening one corner of the woodland. 

Biodiversity spot of the day goes to Bruce who snapped this interesting fungus - can anyone identify it?
Thanks to all the volunteers for your hard work!

1 comment:

  1. Good work on the wood!

    I think Bruce has spotted the Jew's ear fungus. Named because they are often found on dead Elders and Judus Escariot supposedly hung himself from an Elder.
