Kingston University Biodiversity Action Group

08-02-12 : Hogsmill River litter pick

Plenty of enthusiastic volunteers came out for the river litter pick, despite the weather being very chilly!

Our river litter litter pick has turned into an annual event, and the amount of rubbish that we pulled from the Hogsmill proves how important it is.

In the river and along the riverbank we found a whole range of litter, from footballs to plastic bags to plastic cows (yes, really).

This length of drain pipe is part of our Eel trap from last year! It washed away during heavy rainfall, and we didn't know where it had gone.
Broom handle?
Plastic cow!
Thank you to everyone who came along! Thanks too to Quadron who collected all of the rubbish for us. Your help has helped to make the River Hogsmill a cleaner place for the people and the wildlife who enjoy the area.

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